Three steps parents can take to help kids cope with anxiety
Sleep issues, constant worries, tantrums and excessive crying are all signs of anxiety in children. Talk to our Plano pediatricians if your child is dealing with those issues. They can offer suggestions to help kids cope with anxiety. They can also look for physical problems or other issues that may be affecting your child.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Help your child avoid the risks of teen sleep deprivation
Most people aren’t surprised to learn that 80% or more of teenagers don’t get enough sleep. Teens should be getting about eight to 10 hours each night, but few kids do. Feeling tired is one thing, but teen sleep deprivation is a bigger problem. It can cause physical and mental health issues that hurt your child.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Beat Daylight Saving Time Blues
Parents know that “falling back” with daylight saving time every year can wreak havoc on children’s sleep schedules. Not only can changes to sleep be challenging, a good night’s sleep is important because it plays a critical role in a child’s learning, behavior and overall health.
To beat the daylight saving time blues,
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Understanding different infant cries can help you soothe your crying baby
Before you have a baby, you may think that all babies’ cries sound alike. Once you have your own bundle of joy, understanding different infant cries will help you help your baby. A crying baby is attempting to communicate with you. It’s really their only means of telling you how they feel in their first few weeks of life.
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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Learn about breast and nipple care
You know that breastfeeding is beneficial for your baby and for you, but if your nursing breasts ache and develop problems, sometimes that’s hard to remember. Don’t give up on nursing your baby. Our Plano pediatricians have advice about breast and nipple care that can help you get back to the joy of feeding your baby.
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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano
New Baby Must Haves
Look online or go to a baby store, and you may think you have to spend thousands of dollars on equipment for your newborn. The truth is, there are only a few new baby must haves that you need before you bring your precious bundle home. Our Plano pediatricians have advice and helpful tips to help you prepare for your new baby and provide excellent newborn care.
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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Healthy Holiday Tips to SHARE
During the holidays, we want to share joy, love, food and gifts, not viruses or other illnesses. Preventing sickness during the holidays makes for joyful celebrations and happy travels for the whole family. Our Plano pediatricians SHARE a few healthy holiday tips to help keep the fun going and the bugs at bay.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Find out what you need to know about RSV as a parent
RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, has been in the news this fall. This respiratory illness is common among babies and children. By the age of two, most babies experience symptoms of RSV that are more like a cold. However, RSV symptoms can sometimes become more severe.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Stop the spread of colds and viruses this coughing and sneezing season
Nothing takes the joy out of the holidays like colds, flus or other viruses. From the common cold and seasonal flus to COVID-19 and RSV, viruses and germs are everywhere during coughing and sneezing season. Our Plano pediatricians have some tips to help you stop the spread of colds and viruses in your household.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
Is it the flu or a common cold?
Your child has come home from school with a fever, a runny nose and exhaustion. Naturally, you look at their symptoms and wonder if it’s the flu or a common cold. Our Plano pediatricians have years of experience quickly helping parents find the answer to this common query.
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Pediatric Specialists of Plano