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Help Kids with Food Allergies

Tips to help kids with food allergies and food sensitivities

When children have food allergies, they need to avoid the foods that cause their symptoms. This is not always easy to do, but our Plano pediatricians have some tips to help kids with food allergies and food sensitivities.

Parents, family members and caregivers can help kids with food allergies


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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Children’s Mental Health

What parents need to know about children’s mental health and mental disorders

Paying attention to children’s mental health is as vital as taking care of their physical health. Children who have good mental health function better at home and at school, as they reach important developmental milestones.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Vision and Hearing Checks for Kids

Learn about the importance of vision and hearing checks for kids

Our Plano pediatricians encourage parents to bring their children to our office for yearly checkups. As a part of these examinations, our physicians will conduct vision and hearing checks for kids. Good eyesight and hearing are important for child development. If our physicians notice a problem,

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Introducing Solid Foods

Time to eat! Introducing solid foods into your baby’s diet

Mothers and fathers receive too much advice from friends, family and social media. With all this information and misinformation swirling around, how do you know when you should begin introducing solid foods into your baby’s diet? Our Plano pediatricians are here to provide you with guidelines and information to help you make the most of feeding time.

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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano PSOP Kids

Baby’s Head Shape

Heads up! What you should know about your baby’s head shape and flat head syndrome

In magazines and movies, every newborn has a perfectly shaped head, but your baby’s head shape may look a bit different. If your infant’s head is cone-shaped or uneven, there is an explanation. Many babies have conical shaped skulls after pushing their way through the birth canal.

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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano

How to Swaddle Your Infant

How to swaddle your infant for safe and comfortable sleep

Chances are you learned how to swaddle your infant for safe sleep in a childbirth class or at the hospital. Swaddling your baby helps them feel comfortable, secure and soothed during sleep. A well-done wrap helps to calm a colicky baby and reduces the startle reflex that wakes infants at times.

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Newborn Care Pediatric Specialists of Plano PSOP Kids

What Is Swimmer’s Ear?

Everything you need to know about swimmer’s ear in children

You’ve likely experienced it in your lifetime. Your pool-loving children might have it right now. We all know what it feels like, but just what is swimmer’s ear in children? This is a common and treatable condition, particularly if it’s caught early. Our Plano pediatricians explain what you need to know about this unfortunate side effect of pure summer fun.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

How Often a Child Should Poop

Answering an important question – How often a child should poop

Our Plano pediatricians are your child’s medical partners from birth through the teen years, so it’s our job to support parents in keeping kids healthy each step of the way. Parents who keep track of how often their child goes to the bathroom can spot problems before they become more serious.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Summer Activities for Kids During COVID-19

Let our team help you find summer activities for kids during COVID-19

As parents ourselves, we know how difficult distance learning has been for families. Navigating all the apps, Zoom calls and screen time is a job itself. However, it has provided some structure to our children’s days. Now that school is winding down, moms and dads everywhere are scrambling to find summer activities for kids during COVID-19.

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano

Message to Parents about Coronavirus

Message to parents about coronavirus: Our main concern is patient care and safety

Our message to parents about coronavirus is simple: our physicians and staff are working diligently to keep our patients and staff as safe as possible as we all deal with COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. We have made several changes to address the evolving conditions caused by the virus.

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COVID-19 Resource Page

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(972) 473-7777

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Pediatric Specialists of Plano
3405 Midway Road, Suite 650
Plano, TX 75093

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