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Understanding abdominal pain in children

Many children get tummy aches, but how do parents know whether it’s a run-of-the-mill stomachache or something more serious? Our Plano pediatricians help unravel the causes of abdominal pain in children, and help parents understand how to care for their kids when it happens.

What causes a stomachache?

Abdominal pain includes pain that happens anywhere from a child’s chest all the way to their pelvis. With such a large area, there are several reasons why a child might have pain. Here are some of the things that cause stomach issues.

  • A variety of bacterial infections, including strep throat, pneumonia or urinary tract infections
  • Viruses
  • Constipation
  • Things related to food, such as overeating, food allergies and food poisoning
  • Problems that cause inflammation or irritate the internal organs, such as irritable bowel disease, appendicitis, reflux, ulcers or inflammatory bowel disease
  • Problems with the reproductive system, such as menstrual problems
  • Emotional issues, such as depression, stress or anxiety

When should parents call the pediatrician about abdominal pain in children?

Most of the time, abdominal pain in children isn’t serious and resolves with home care and medication. However, parents need to be aware of the symptoms that could mean the problem is serious and warrants a call to our Plano pediatricians – or in some cases, emergency care.

  • Severe pain or pain that is getting worse
  • Lower-right-side abdominal pain
  • Pain during urination or bowel movements
  • Blood in the stool or urine
  • Vomiting blood
  • Vomit that is yellow/green
  • Stomachache accompanied by hives, dizziness, or a pale or swollen face, which could indicate an allergic reaction

Parents should call our pediatricians if they are concerned about their child’s stomach problems. When our physicians see children with belly aches, they will talk to the parents and older children about their symptoms and perform an examination. They may order blood tests, ultrasounds or X-rays.

Can parents help prevent belly pain?

While it’s impossible to prevent kids’ stomach viruses and certain other issues, parents can take steps to prevent some kinds of stomach problems.

  • Children shouldn’t overeat, especially near bedtime.
  • Parents and children should wash their hands often to avoid spreading viruses.
  • Families should practice food safety by checking food’s expiration dates and storing food properly.

Advice from our Plano pediatricians about caring for your child’s tummy problems

Most of the time, abdominal pain in children is short-term. Here are a few helpful tips from our pediatricians.

  • If children vomit, they shouldn’t eat solid foods or dairy products for about eight hours. It’s okay to give them a tablespoon of Pedialyte® or an electrolyte solution. If they get sick again, wait about 30 minutes before trying again. After eight hours, try bland foods, such as crackers, rice or applesauce.
  • Constipated kids need more liquids and more fiber in their diet. Parents should ask our pediatricians about medications.
  • Children with diarrhea often become dehydrated, so parents can give them electrolyte solutions such as Enfalyte®, but not sports drinks.

Parents who have questions about home care for stomach issues, including abdominal pain in children, should contact us. We are here to help you help your child feel better.